Day 1: Departing

Ruth 1:16 Where you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people are my people. Your God is my God. We have safely made it to San Juan, Puerto Rico! We spent the entirety of our day in airports and in planes. As soon as we landed in Philadelphia to board our flight to PR, we noticed a great diversity in languages spoken and of types of people-Announcements made over the loudspeaker were in both English and Spanish. We passed the time during our layover by playing cards, chatting and eating a variety of snacks (thanks, Matthew!) Once we boarded the plane, we experienced over an hour of just sitting on the runway. Keep in mind the youth had no electronics to keep themselves entertained. The adults were very impressed by their positive attitudes and ability to occupy themselves while we were waiting. We have discovered that we have 2 fluent Spanish speakers in our group which will certainly come in handy this week!...